Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Crazy Cat Lady Theory

Our shelter can only accommodate cats, and is staffed almost entirely by women. We seem to get a lot of visits from crazy ladies, and my theory is that if there are enough cats somewhere they attract crazy ladies.

I hope to avoid this myself, so I only have one cat at home.

His name is Gremlin. He keeps this place clean by hiding all my lost socks.

Anyways, back to crazy ladies. So one day a person came in with a picture of their lost cat, and previous shelter manager let them take away the cat without a hassle. Later in the day, another lady came in claiming she had lost a cat, similar to the one collected earlier.

Well, she was understandable pissed when she found this out, and proceeded to show pictures of her and her cat at the vet, at home, in the backyard, and why didn't we check the id of the person who took the cat, and she was terrified because she overheard her neighbours kids saying something about a cat, and then she threatened to sue us.

Nothing ever came of it, thank goodness. We can barely afford rent as it is.

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