Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We Can Make It Together

Buddy and Wendy were born with a neurological disorder similar to cerebral palsy or Parkinson's. They were the only two who had it from a litter of five kittens. When they were in the shelter they had a hard time getting around or even eating or drinking like their siblings because they would wobble and shake with every step they took.

After spending a week in the shelter they had become underweight. A number of our volunteers were quite concerned about them, and several offered to foster them.
Well, the volunteer who fostered them did an excellent job, and managed to adopt out Buddy. She couldn't bear to part with Wendy, and finally decided to adopt her herself.

I like this photo of them a lot, because it kind of symbolizes some of the attitudes at Etobicoke Humane. There are tons of challenges facing us, and the problems of animal cruelty and overpopulation are great, but together, we can tackle the problem one step at a time.

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